We are very pleased to announce that Mr. Ucha Margvelashvili became IQLS consultant focal point for Georgia, to support IQLS current project “Implementing Robust Quality Management System following ISO 15189 Requirements for National Center for Disease Control & Public Health of Georgia”, funded by Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), though CH2MHILL.

Mr. Ucha Margvelashvili is an ISO accreditation expert and for 6 years he worked as a full time Quality Assurance Manager for National Forensic Bureau of Georgia (NFB). His efforts and commitment were a key element in the NFB’s acquisition of ISO/IEC 17025 certification (General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories). He as the QA Manager for the entire NFB developed all the operational manuals, including Administrative, Quality Assurance and Sample Control. Subsequently, he was responsible for implementation of the manuals and ISO 17025 requirements at National Forensic Bureau. He successfully led NFB to accreditation and as a result National Forensic Bureau became the first ISO accredited forensic laboratory in the country.

Welcome to IQLS Ucha!

IQLS team

Ucha’s LinkedIn profile is accessible here:



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