Following the 3 days theoretical LQSI training organized in Delhi with laboratory QA managers, Antoine Pierson and Arnaud Orelle performed an LQSI assessment of the microbiology laboratories from four medical colleges in Assam State (phases 1 and 2)
The goal of the assessment was to:
– Provide clear and concrete recommendations to the laboratory, based on the observations from IQLS experts
– Provide on-site brief technical training when needed (Media preparation, plate inoculation, antibiotic susceptibility testing, etc.)
– Jointly develop a plan of action with the quality manager, sorted out by priority and requested resources for the next 3 months, when a new set of activities will be carried out
This initial assessment will constitute a baseline indicator, and will be followed by a new assessment at the end of the project (June 2016) to document the improvement from each laboratory. In the meantime, 2 training sessions and the development of different key documents will be performed, as well as tight distance mentoring
The Project is funded by US-CDC Atlanta (CDC)
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