Dr. Antoine Pierson, IQLS President, provided onsite strategic development services building the capacities and capabilities of the Central Media Making Laboratory (CMML) located in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

IQLS works together with local lab personnel and customizes policies to fit a laboratories’ particular needs. Because problems can often arise during the implementation phase, this visit included providing assistance on moving forward on the IQLS recommendations made in October 2014.

Additional meetings focused on the preparation of a short roadmap for the next 4-6 months, the participation in an upcoming conference about media production strategy in Cambodia, and the overall future of the CMML.

Future meetings have been planned for 2016 to continue accompanying CMML in the successful completion of its objectives while at the same time scaling up its production.

The project is funded by Diagnostic Microbiology Development Program (DMDP).


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