IQLS provided technical assistance to support the National Laboratory Directorate of the Ministry of Health of Burkina Faso for the development of the national laboratory policy and strategic plan. The Technical assistance enabled validation of a framework document serving as the national laboratory policy, and the strategic plan was finalized in December 2023. To achieve this, the IQLS team performed a landscape analysis of the laboratory system to identify priority issues, SWOT, and an institutional and organizational analysis of the departments in charge of laboratory activities. A National Laboratory Technical Working Group (TWG) was established, that worked on the development and finalization of the laboratory policy during several workshops. To finalize the project, a training on strategic planning and several workshops for the development of lab strategic and operational plan took place.

As a result, four national workshops for the development and validation of the strategic documents were held, and the National laboratory development and optimization framework document was validated. To conclude the projet, the national laboratory strategic and operational plan 2024 – 2026 was validated and approved.