Date: From Sep 07, 2014 to Sep 26, 2014
Country: Kyrgyzstan

The goals of the project were to:

– assess the national laboratory system. It  aimed at assessing the functionalities of the SES laboratory system at country level: organization, coordination, networking, communication, national QA and EQA programs,

– train local assessors for the evaluation of the laboratories

– adapt the evaluation tool, Facility Laboratory Assessment Tool (F-LAT)

– assess 15 laboratories of different levels

and perform a system gap analysis using the data of each assessment.

The stakeholders and the CDC which funded the project have been provided with an oral debriefing including the key findings at the end of the mission on site and with a final report including complete results, mapping and recommendations.

IQLS thanks the following institutions and individuals who contributed to this project: the Kyrgyz Ministry of Health, the assessors, the Kyrgyz state Sanitary & epidemiological Surveillance, the laboratory staff in the assessed laboratories, the translators, US CDC in Atlanta, in almaty and Bishkek.

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