Date: 14 – 18 August, 2023

IQLS was solicited by the LA2M (in French: Laboratoire d’Analyses Médicales Malagasy) to carry out a 5-day training on biosafety, biosecurity and risk assessment in Madagascar. 

This training was attended by 20 doctors and laboratory technologists from Antananarivo (Tananarive) central LA2M laboratory, as well as specialists from Nosi Be, Toamasina (Tamatave), Toliara (Tuléar), Antsiranana (Diego- Suarez), Tôlanaro (Fort Dauphin) and Mahajanga (Majunga). 

 It covered topics from general biosafety concept to risk assessment, including the correct use of biosafety cabinets, disinfection and autoclaving and emergency management. Participants were guided through the requirements on biosafety behavior and practices. A practical training on BSC certification took place, much appreciated by the laboratory specialists. 

To finalize the training, a practical biosafety plan of action for 6-9 months was drafted by each laboratory and presented to the assembly. 

This training session was a great opportunity for laboratory staff from different regions to meet and exchange insights. We hope this exercise will leave a sustainable impact and increase the biosafety level of the 7 LA2M Malagasy laboratories!

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