IQLS experts can help laboratories to upgrade, redesign or even build new laboratory facilities from scratch, for BSL2, BSL2+ and BSL3 laboratories. This includes:
Upgrade and redesign
- Laboratory blueprinting
- Propositions for reorganization and workflow optimization
- Adapted, updated blueprinting
- Cost estimates
- Links with architects and builders
Design from scratch
- Links with beneficiaries
- Plan for potential laboratory evolution over the next 10 years
- Compliance with chosen standard (national standards, ISO standards)
- Cost estimates
- Links with architects and builders
High security laboratories
- Specific competencies for TB and influenza laboratory design and/or adaptation
- Needs assessment, risk analysis, blueprinting
- Direct links with air handling companies for negative pressure
- Compliance with chosen standard (national, WHO standards for TB culture, WHO standards for influenza culture, avian influenza standards, etc.)
- Biosafety training organization
Specific skills and certificates of the IQLS staff
- “BSL3 Facilities: Design, Construction and Beyond”, Eagleson institute, Raleigh, 2014
- “Advanced BSL3 Work Practices and Procedures”, Eagleson institute, Raleigh, 2014