Date: From Feb 17, 2016 to Mar 31, 2017
Country: Cambodia

The UHS Central Media Making Laboratory (CMML) began operating in early 2013. This laboratory is based at the University of Health Sciences, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The CMML is under the direction of Dr. Chou Monidarin, Vice Dean of the School of Pharmacy. The CMML is financially supported by the Diagnostic Microbiology Development Program (DMDP) with funding from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) of the Cooperative Biological Engagement Program (CBEP) of the US Department of Defense. The funding to DMDP will continue until a sustainable plan is developed. The financial support to the CMML includes support for two technologists, supplies and media and distribution to the five Cambodian Provincial Hospital Laboratories supported by DMDP. The CMML provides agar plates and blood culture bottles free of charge.

Scope and Focus

IQLS will:

  1. Determine progress made in the CMML since the IQLS assessment in 2014.
  2. Provide recommendations in a Plan of Action for improvement in management and quality of media as well as possible directions for mediaproduction.
  3. Assist in organizing, and participate in, the Conference on the Future of Bacteriological Media Production in Cambodia scheduled for April 28, 2016
  4. Support CMML in order to get the ISO9001 certification


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