Laboratory Systems & Networks

Laboratories play a critical role in the detection, surveillance and response process.

The International Health Regulation, adopted by the WHO in 2005 have placed specific responsibilities on WHO member states for building and strengthening national capacities for the prevention, detection and containment of public health threats.

In order to help countries to improve their surveillance capability and ensure reliability, timeliness of laboratory data and reporting for detection, surveillance and response, IQLS performs laboratory system assessment and gap analysis.

The assessment is done in collaboration with the Ministry of Health (MoH).

The tool used to perform the assessments has been developped by IQLS on the basis of a WHO tool, and improved years after years. The tool can be adapted to the country needs, MoH goals and requests.

The assessment will provide the MoH with in-depth documentation and the analysis will allow the identification of the strengths and gaps in the laboratory system and individual laboratories. Usually a draft strategic plan for laboratory system strengthening is provided to the MoH and associated partners, along with Gantt chart for the implementation.

Significant documentation and experiences from other countries are provided as examples and help for further implementation.